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Caldana: Impressive
numeru objektu: CT-V514
Szybki kontakt
Dane podstawowe
IT-58023 Caldana
Cena dla zainteresowanych
Powierzchnia mieszkalna okolo:
656 m2
Dzialka okolo:
20.000 m2
Liczba izb:
Dalsze dane
Dalsze dane
typ domu:
Szczególna nieruchomosc
ilosc sypialni:
ilosc lazienek:
Toaleta goscinna:
Dostosowany jako dom wakacyjny:
Jakosc wyposazenia:
Calkowicie wyremontowane
wyczerpujacy opis
wyczerpujacy opis
Opis objektu:
Toscana, Maremma
Impressive manor on top of loveley hill
18 km from Castiglione della Pescaia, the manor lies on a hill with beautiful view. The building itself is a unique example of historical architecture.
The house is made in nature stone (656,12 sqm) and is surrounded by 2 hectare private park, which includes a swimming pool (16 x 8 m) and tennis court. The park counts several centuries-old oaks, fruit trees etc. The property is fenced around.
Price on request
Impressive manor on top of loveley hill
18 km from Castiglione della Pescaia, the manor lies on a hill with beautiful view. The building itself is a unique example of historical architecture.
The house is made in nature stone (656,12 sqm) and is surrounded by 2 hectare private park, which includes a swimming pool (16 x 8 m) and tennis court. The park counts several centuries-old oaks, fruit trees etc. The property is fenced around.
Price on request
15 minutes from Castiglione della Pescaia, 20 minutes from Follonica, 20 minutes from Puntone di Scarlino (port), 25 minutes from Punta Ala...
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